Sebi to digitise investors’ complaints
Capital markets regulator Sebi on Thursday decided to provide a mechanism for processing of investors' service requests and complaints through online mode by RTAs and thereafter track the status as well as obtain periodical updates.
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New Delhi Capital markets regulator Sebi on Thursday decided to provide a mechanism for processing of investors' service requests and complaints through online mode by RTAs and thereafter track the status as well as obtain periodical updates.
Looking to digitise the process in two phases, Sebi said that the mechanism would provide benefits such as a database for service requests and complaints, online acknowledgement and intimation to the investor and online tracking of status of service requests and complaints by investors. At present, holders of physical security certificates are required to submit various documents to the registrars to an issue and share transfer agents (RTAs) with respect to various service requests such as issuance of duplicate security certificates, folio consolidation and services through depository participants such as dematerialisation and rematerialisation. In the first phase, Sebi said that all RTAs servicing listed companies will have a functional website. Such a website will mandatorily display basic details of the RTA like registration number, registered address of head office and branches, names and contact details of key managerial personnel (KMPs) including compliance officer, according to a circular.
In addition, such websites will have to display step-by-step procedures for various service requests, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), procedure for filing a complaint and finding out the status of the complaint. Further, all RTAs will have to set up a user-friendly online mechanism or portal for service requests with certain minimum features. Sebi has directed qualified RTAs or QRTAs to implement the direction of an online system along with a functional website from January 1, 2024, while the same for all RTAs is June 1, 2024. Thereafter in the second phase, the markets regulator said that a common website will be made and operated by QRTAs from July 1, next year, through which investors will be redirected to individual web-based portals of the concerned RTA for further resolution by putting the name of the listed company.